« Anterior 19/12/2012 - 18:15 Próxima »
Edward Cullen is a fictional character in the Twilight series (Twilight, in Portuguese), the American author Stephenie Meyer. Edward appears highlighted in the Twilight books (Twilight), New Moon (New Moon), Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (Dawn). He is also a character in Midnight Sun, which has no date set to be published, but will tell the same story of the first book in the series, but from the point of view of Edward. [1] In the movie, Edward Cullen is played by actor Robert Pattinson. <3 ;;; Isabella Marie Swan Cullen (born Isabella Marie Swan, September 13, 1987) is a fictional character in the Twilight series (Twilight, in Portuguese), the American author Stephenie Meyer. It is from his point of view we know the stories of Twilight (Twilight), New Moon (New Moon), and most of Eclipse Breaking Dawn (Dawn), in which she engages with civilizations of vampires and other creatures.

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