« Anterior 10/02/2014 - 13:15 Próxima »

I was born in Rockwood, Roane County, Tennessee. I was raised very typically southern. I wanted to be an actress from the time I was literally a baby and talking I told my mother this is what I was gonna do. By the time we moved close to Miami I could pursue to get into catalogs and things like that and sort of making connections then the dream became more reality and I started auditioning and looking pilots when I was about 15. I never felt intimidated, I always felt like there"s a reason I was there. I was never the beautiful girl in my school, I had braces and I died my hair orange. When I started modeling obviously they fixed me so I would look right for the pics. I was a funny kid and I just was drowned in this industry for other reasons not because I felt I was attractive. I don"t go into projects thinking oh this is gonna be a huge movie, I just go in it thinking "this is gonna be interesting experience hopefully it will be fun experience" and it"s a chance sort of just learn a lot.

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