« Anterior 29/11/2014 - 22:46 Próxima »
~~~~Queimou �esta Casa~~~~

Eu n�o recolho a correspond�ncia

Eu n�o atendo o telefone

Eu n�o atendo a porta

Eu vou ficar sozinha em breve

Eu n�o acompanho esse lugar

Eu s� mantenho as luzes baixas

Eu n�o moro nestas salas

Eu s� ando por a�


Eu sou apenas um fantasma nesta casa

Eu sou a sombra das paredes

No sil�ncio como um rato

Eu assombro estas salas

Eu sou apenas um sussurro de fuma�a

Eu sou tudo o que sobrou de dois cora��es em chamas

Que, uma vez queimou fora de controle

Voc� tomou meu corpo e alma

Eu sou apenas um fantasma nesta casa


Eu n�o me importo se chover


Ghost in This House


I don"t pick up the mail
I don"t pick up the phone
I don"t answer the door
I"d just as soon be alone
I don"t keep this place up
I just keep the lights down
I don"t live in these rooms
I just rattle around

I"m just a ghost in this house
I"m just a shadow upon these walls
As quietly as a mouse I haunt these halls
I"m just a ghost in this house
I"m all that"s left of two hearts on fire
That once burned out of control
It took my body and soul
I"m just a ghost in this house

I don"t care if it rains
I don"t care if it"s clear
I don"t mind stayin in
There"s another ghost here
She sits down in your chair
And she shines with your light
And she lays down her head
On your pillow at night

I"m just a ghost in this house
I"m just a shell of the man I was
A living proof of the damage heartbreak does
I"m just a ghost in this house
I"m all that"s left of two hearts on fire
That once burned out of control
It took my body, my soul
I"m just a ghost in this house
I"m just a ghost in this house


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