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Cole��o de A Pequena Sereia em Blu-ray no Reino Unido para setembro

Cole��o de A Pequena Sereia em Blu-ray no Reino Unido para setembro



Est� em pr�-venda no Reino Unido uma edi��o que re�ne as tr�s anima��es de A Pequena Sereia em Blu-ray.


Eis os conte�dos extras de cada anima��o:

A Pequena Sereia (1989)
�Part of Your World� Music Video featuring Carly Rae Jepsen
Disney Animation
Deleted Scene�Harold the Merman
Under the Scene: The Art of Live Action Reference
Part of Her World: Jodi Benson�s Voyage to New Fantasy Land
Howard�s Lecture
Treasure�s Untold: The Making of The Little Mermaid
Storm Warning: The Little Mermaid Special Effects Unit
The Little Mermaid: The Story Behind The Story
Under The Sea Early Presentation Reel
Original Theatrical Trailer
Fathoms Below: Deleted Scene with Introduction
Backstage with Sebastian: Deleted Scene with Introduction
Sebastian Lost in The Castle: Deleted Scene with Introduction
Advice from Sebastian: Deleted Scene with Introduction
Poor Unfortunate Souls: Alternative Version with Introduction

A Pequena Sereia 2: O Retorno Para O Mar (2000)
Return to the Sea: Read Along
Trivia Game
�What Am I?� Game

A Pequena Sereia: A Hist�ria de Ariel (2008)
Deleted Scenes: Sebastian Waking the Girls/ Ariel Follows Flounder
Games and Activities: Mermaid Discovery Vanity Game�Discover Secrets about King Triton�s Daughters by clicking on their personal scarpbooks, or find out Which Sister You Are most like with the Personality Profile Game
Music and More: Disney Song Selection
Backstage Disney: Splashdance�behind the scenes featurette looks at first time animation director, Peggy Holmes / The Little Mermaid: Under the Sea and Behind The Scenes on Broadway

As especifica��es t�cnicas ainda n�o est�o plenamente confirmadas. A p�gina da Amazon informa a presen�a de dublagem e legendas em portugu�s (provavelmente de Portugal), mas logo a seguir, nas descri��es das anima��es, as op��es em nosso idioma n�o est�o presentes. Atualizaremos aqui assim que tivermos confirma��es.

A edi��o � livre para todas as regi�es e est� prevista para 2 de setembro, com pre�o de � 26,70.


/ribamar em 04/07/2013 �s 00:06 disse:
Boa noite,

O silencioso nunca dep�e contra si pr�prio.

(Aldous Huxley)

/ribamar em 04/07/2013 �s 00:46 disse:
boa noite,

O silencioso nunca dep�e contra si pr�prio.

(Aldous Huxley

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