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reese e cristiano
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But Four Christmases isn�t just any old inescapably terrible Vince Vaughn Christmas film. No, Four Christmases is the Christmas film where Vince Vaughn and his co-star Reese Witherspoon apparently decided that they absolutely hated each other during filming, making the shoot a nightmare for everybody involved.

Except if you ask Reese Witherspoon about that, she�ll tell you it�s all hooey. Looking to dispel those rumours, Reese Witherspoon has come forward to say that she didn�t hate Vince Vaughn at all, and that he�s the funniest actor she�s ever worked with. Reese should be careful what she says; Jennifer Aniston once thought the same about Vince Vaughn and look what happened to her - John Mayer. Gree.

It�s Christmas soon, and do you know what that means? It means it�s time to go and watch a staggeringly disappointing Christmas movie where Vince Vaughn gets to play the exact same fast-talking character that Vince Vaughn has ever played, and there�s snow and stuff.

That�s right - Four Christmases is released this week, and it�s the perfect film for anyone who sat through all of Fred Claus and didn�t once feel like pulling their eyes out and pushing them up their bum. But only those people.

However, even though superficially it looks like Four Christmases is yet another movie where Vince Vaughn yammers away endlessly, falsely convinced of his own comedic genius, and then learns a sappy lesson about the value of family at the end, it also has its own USP. Four Christmases is apparently the Vince Vaughn/ Reese Witherspoon hate movie.

Last year it was reported that Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon were clashing furiously on the set of Four Christmases because Reese Witherspoon is an Oscar-winning actress who likes preparation and Vince Vaughn usually ignores the script to just blather �Hummana hummana hummana. Hummana? Hummana HUMMANA!� for hours at a time until he says enough words to allow an editor to individually splice the original line back together. Or something.

It didn�t sound like a happy set at all but, now that Four Christmases is actually being released, Reese Witherspoon has decided to deny everything. You know what? Actually she loves Vince Vaughn. AFP reports:

�Every co-star I ever work with I�m either having an affair with him, I�m about to get married with him, or having a baby or we absolutely cannot stand each other. We got along great, we were very good friends and we were very much partners on this movie. Vince is the funniest person I�ve ever worked with. It was a challenge for me to stay there and keep up with him. But I feel really a better actor for that experience.�

Wow, that told us. So, on behalf of everyone, we�d like to apologise to Reese Witherspoon. We don�t know where the rumours about you always hooking up with your co-stars came from. Certainly not from the time you married Ryan Phillipe right after Cruel Intentions was released. Or the time you got together with Jake Gyllenhaal, pretty much the first co-star you had after the divorce from Ryan came through. Certainly not those two facts.

historia sobre cristiano

a v�spera de jogo amig�vel
O jogo entre Brasil e Portugal (hoje, �s 24.00, TVI) est� a tornar-se num duelo entre Kak� e Cristiano Ronaldo, o actual melhor jogador do Mundo para a FIFA e o potencial vencedor da edi��o deste ano. E ainda que o m�dio brasileiro do Milan rejeite esta leitura, � imposs�vel evitar fazer essa liga��o, sobretudo pela reac��o apote�tica que o craque portugu�s teve em Bras�lia e em Gama (cidade a 30km da capital federal que acolhe o encontro particular).

Ontem, dia em que as duas selec��es treinaram no Est�dio Bezerr�o perante dez mil pessoas, viveu-se muito entre esses dois p�los. Houve at� uma adolescente que obrigou o pai, descendente de lusitanos, a viajar de S�o Paulo s� para ficar perto de Cristiano Ronaldo e tentar uma fotografia ("a mais cara do Mundo", segundo o progenitor, que gastou cerca de 700 euros com a aventura). Foi um sinal inequ�voco da histeria que envolve a chegada do avan�ado ao Brasil. "Se o assunto for o jogo, l� est� o nome de Cristiano Ronaldo... � impressionante. N�o se assuste se a torcida come�ar a apoiar Portugal", pontuou ao DN Rafael Martins, jornalista do jornal Lance. "O que se passou no aeroporto de Bras�lia � uma loucra digna de um Beatle", juntou, e concluiu de forma lapidar, na compara��o, pelo menos neste momento, entre os dois s�mbolos das duas selec��es: "Cristiano Ronaldo roubou-lhe todas as f�s".

� uma febre que acaricia o ego ao jogador portugu�s. "No Brasil, sinto-me como se estivesse em casa", retribuiu, j� depois de glosar com as compara��es com Kak� - que chegaram ao aspecto f�sico. "Eu gosto de mim mesmo. Mas n�o sei quem � o mais bonito. A beleza exterior nem sempre � mais importante. Mas � bom saber disso, saber que as mulheres tamb�m me apreciam, � um bom sinal", disse Cristiano Ronaldo.

Por isso, hoje � um dia em que o avan�ado vai tentar dar troco ao apoio brasileiro: "Nunca pensei chegar a um n�vel t�o alto. Sou novo, mas no meu modo de ver o Brasil � considerado um pa�s irm�o, sinto-me bem aqui. Tenho um carinho especial pelos brasileiros e tenho muitos amigos no Manchester, como o Anderson e o Rafael. Fico contente com este carinho. Vou tentar retribuir da melhor maneira, dar espect�culo e jogar um bom futebol".

gente o anucio acima do cristiano ja passou mas so coloque so para comtar como foi ok

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