Damon: You"re welcome.
Elena: Not just for this, Damon. I don"t know what I would do if you weren"t here.
Damon: You should know this, Elena...Stefan didn"t screw us over. He screwed us over, but he had a good reason.
Elena: What?
Damon: He saved Klaus to save me. And then he stole the coffins to get even.
Elena: Damon, if he did it to protect you, why would he even do that? What does that even mean?
Damon: What does it mean? It means that I"m an idiot. Because I thought, for one second, that I wouldn"t have to feel guilty anymore.
Elena: What are you talking about? Guilty for what?
Damon: For wanting what I want.
Elena: Damon...
Damon: No, I know. Boogeyman, I get it. Brother"s girl and all.
[walks down steps]
Damon: No, you know what...if I"m gonna feel guilty about something, I"m gonna feel guilty about this.
[walks back up steps and kisses Elena]
PostedBy : AnneMoura