Harumi, TFT, Big Sight, other metropolitan suburbs
Internet, massively multiplayer online role playing game (2 Rine), drive, karaoke etc ...
Favorite food:
Whole fruit (especially pears in orange Dekoponmeron), pork cutlet cooked seafood (baked imitation in particular), Italian
Favorite type:
[2D] Yoruichi, Konata, the only cheerful and grief [3D] / cute smile / Calm system / Minimum
FF plant waste dumping, "Kankkantsu" to escape an old black and sound system, and the outdoor public bath supermarket
Favorite work:
General Shonen Magazine, Technology, Shadow, New Century GPX, Hayabusa Ninja flow, Rider, Cho Aniki, etc ... Wairi・Koyote Roth vs runner s