« Anterior 27/07/2013 - 19:06 Próxima »
Until ... my eyes close,
I will contemplate the beauty,
even that which is hidden,
the ugliness of rugged features,
because for sure,
within whom he is ugly
live a world of tenderness,
just waiting for someone
bring the keys to the door of the heart,
unveiling the interior mirror.

Until ... my feet take me,
down roads the most diverse,
knowing that people are people,
bucolic and picturesque places,
traditions and customs,
sometimes stepping on the seashore,
or the stones of the slope,
or even on the riverbank,
until exhaustion overcomes me
and rest in the shade of groves.

Until ... my body bear the time,
and keep the mind sane,
I will cultivate greater love
finding the goodness of creatures,
trying to spread joy and enthusiasm.
My now walk serene and firm,
no more fear the gales
storms and even,
knowing that the rainbow emerges,
coloring each new day.

Until ... the heart strong hunch,
"ll andarilhando throughout life.
Backpack in the quilt of hope,
that will cover me on cold nights
and a flask of clear water,
I cool off on hot afternoons.

guida linhares





Minha alma Carrega mist�rios
Onde o tempo Com seu alento
Guardara na hist�ria Minha alma �s vezes
chora Na tua tristeza ou tua na
alegria Sou alada viajante dos sonhos
 E no teu silencio eu me silencio
 Fecho a porta da ilus�o
 Minha alma agora cala Deixo
o dia anoitecer
 A lagrima rolar
A chuva cair E o sol brilhar!!


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