« Anterior 06/08/2013 - 14:17 Próxima »
My sweet love:
Tonight I thought about you, as you"re doing now ... maybe you"re resting and dreaming of me ... That would be wonderful, because I"m here in the middle of the night we stole moments and life time to be together and enjoy this love that was born in the midst of a life and made ​​...
I know that you have to share the life and the truth is that you feel envious of someone who has either, you feel the warmth of your skin, you can hold your hand through the streets and I ... I love dying inside of jealousy and impotence ...
But so is love, born in times less suitable. When you least expect it, you feel that crush dulls the senses and crave only say this love is all mine! ...

Many obstacles we had ..!How long will it take for us to be together ...! Perhaps ever we do, for your commitment and mine ... but I want you to know that although I am not free physically, in my feelings yes I am, because my heart is only yours ... because in my soul all that exists is you and only you.

I love you ...
I love you with all the strength
with which they can love
and only belong to you.

For you, forever and ever ...





Minha alma Carrega mist�rios
Onde o tempo Com seu alento
Guardara na hist�ria Minha alma �s vezes
chora Na tua tristeza ou tua na
alegria Sou alada viajante dos sonhos
 E no teu silencio eu me silencio
 Fecho a porta da ilus�o
 Minha alma agora cala Deixo
o dia anoitecer
 A lagrima rolar
A chuva cair E o sol brilhar!!


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