« Anterior 28/04/2012 - 23:32 Próxima »
Eu queria era dizer diferente. Aquilo que todo mundo sente. Mas n�o consegue expressar. Meu trap�zio balan�ando lento. Preso bem l� no firmamento, eu tentando me equilibrar. Eu sei e uma vis�o estranha, mas o cara dos sonhos teve a manha de me levar essa imagem antes de acordar.

I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels. But you can not express. My trapeze swinging slow. Stuck right there in the firmament, I trying to steady myself. I know, and a strange sight, but the guy had dreams of the morning to take me before I woke up this image.I wanted to say different. What everyone feels.




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