16/11/2014 - 20:42
Friends - Two and a half man
Today the television is full of series, and i really like, especially the comedy ones. The Big Bang Theory, Two broke Girls, How I Met Your Mother and Mom are just what I can remember now that I really like, but my favorite is "FRIENDS". The show talks about 6 friends (3 gilrs and 3 boys) that are very close and at the most part of the show, neibors. Some of them get together, get married, have kids, and all the 10 season is about their lifes. My favorite caractor is Joey, his an actor and pretty dumb, his hilarious, just like the others.
The serie is a litte old, so It"s the third time that I"m watching, It"s so funny and silly in a good way that still cracks me up!�
That are also humor series that I hate, two and a half man is one. I think is soooo offensive to women, the jokes are desgunting and maybe cruel.
Every episode that I"ve wacthed is in poor taste and they really like to cross the line.
In my opnion, jokes in general "needs" to be silly but inteligent at the same time, i can be offended or get mad by a little thing, I"m totally not a good sport.


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